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Virginia law and the Virginia Board of Education Guidelines for Policies on Concussions in Students state that schools are required to support all students with concussions - and not just student athletes as they return-to-learn. Does your school ...
Ensuring you have the right people in place can help reduce student concussion risk and support timely recovery. Providing appropriate support for a student returning to school after a concussion requires a team-based approach. The CMT is a school-based, ...
The Virginia Board of Education (VBOE) Guidelines state that each school division shall develop and biennially update policies and procedures regarding the identification and comprehensive management of all students suspected and/or diagnosed with ...
A c oncussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that results in a change of how the brain works following a bump, jolt, or ...
By ensuring your policies are current and that you have the right people in place, schools can help reduce student concussion ...
Most children recover from concussion within two to four weeks . If symptoms are not gradually improving and the ...
Know the Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion Your child just experienced a bump, blow, or jolt to the head ...
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